The Avengers’ new TV spots and new images from Expendables 2 and The Amazing Spiderman

The Avengers vol. 2, #11 (Sept. 1997), showing...

The Avengers vol. 2, #11 (Sept. 1997), showing the Heroes Reborn Avengers. Cover art by Michael Ryan and Sal Regla. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Marvel’s released two new TV spots for The Avengers. The movie, following previous Marvel release strategies, opened in international markets last Wednesday and has grossed $73.1 million in its first 3 days. And according to’s presale data The Avengers is pre-selling more tickets for the upcoming May 4th US release than all 5 previous Marvel movies combined. Analysts’ belief that the movie will do ‘big business’ in the States seem to be confirmed. Continue reading